  • 智慧半導體與永續製造學院 全英文微學分線上課程 隆重登場


NCKU AISSM has aimed to make the advanced knowledge of semiconductor technology and related areas available to the NCKU campus. A series of the Essentials of Semiconductor Engineering is the first bundle of classes to be rolled out in the upcoming spring semester of 2022. NCKU students from all levels are welcome to join. Please take a look at the course information here and be noted that you may go to the course enrollment system and add this course to your basket during the 2nd stage, which is closed on January 28, 2022.



Course title: The Essentials of Semiconductor Engineering- Fundamentals of Device Physics and Fabrication


課程介紹︰「半導體科技工程 – 元件物理與製程概論」課程涵括半導體特性、材料、元件和製程技術等半導體工程技術基本領域,並討論這些領域之協同相關性

“The Essentials of Semiconductor Engineering – Fundamentals of Device Physics and Fabrication” is concerned with semiconductor properties, materials, devices, and manufacturing technology. It considers the fundamental fields of semiconductor technology and identifies synergistic interactions within various areas in one concise course.




參考用書: ︰

Guide to semiconductor engineering, Jerzy Ruzyllo, World Scientific, 2020

課   綱︰(授課影片上線時程可能微調,將隨時於Moodle公布)


日期 起迄時間 時數 進度說明
02/07(一) 10:10-12:00 2 Semiconductor Materials and Properties
02/15(二) 10:10-12:00 2 Silicon Wafer Fabrication Processes
02/22(二) 10:10-12:00 2 Semiconductor Devices and How They Are Used
03/01(二) 09:10-12:00 3 More on Device Physics
總計時數 9




聯繫人︰陳香圭 Miss Chen

Tel︰06-2757575 #35001