Continuing Education
  • NCKU先進封裝中心



Advanced Packaging Technology Research Center

About the Center


國立成功大學先進封裝研究中心致力於成為跨領域技術創新與產學研合作的領航者,以推動台灣半導體技術突破與永續發展為目標。我們專注於異質整合、先進製造、3D IC封裝及AI應用,結合校內九大學院資源,打造國際化研究平台,促進技術轉移與商品化應用。同時,中心積極培育具國際視野與實務能力的半導體高階人才,並推動綠色封裝技術,助力低碳經濟與永續未來。

The Advanced Packaging Research Center at National Cheng Kung University positions itself as a leader in interdisciplinary innovation and academia-industry collaboration, driving breakthroughs and sustainable development in Taiwan's semiconductor industry. Focusing on heterogeneous integration, advanced manufacturing, 3D IC packaging, and AI applications, we leverage resources from nine colleges to create an international research platform that facilitates technology transfer and commercialization. Additionally, the center actively nurtures semiconductor professionals with global perspectives and practical expertise while advancing green packaging technologies to support a low-carbon economy and a sustainable future.

中心營運核心│Core Values


跨領域整合| Interdisciplinary Integration


Connecting the research strengths of nine colleges, the center brings together expertise in semiconductor manufacturing, materials science, and artificial intelligence, fostering a multidisciplinary ecosystem of innovation.


產學協同創新|Academia-Industry Collaborative Innovation


Collaborating closely with semiconductor companies, research institutes, and government agencies, the center identifies industry needs and develops solutions to efficiently bridge technology development with market demands.


資源共享平台化 | Resource Sharing and Platformization

Integrating experimental facilities, data resources, and expertise within and beyond the university, the center creates an open experimental platform that reduces development costs and enhances the efficiency of equipment and resource utilization.

業務範圍Scope of Services 

前沿技術研發 | Cutting-Edge Technology Development

聚焦3D IC封裝、異質整合技術、晶圓級封裝等關鍵領域,結合AI和大數據技術開展深度研究。
Focusing on critical areas such as 3D IC packaging, heterogeneous integration, and wafer-level packaging, the center conducts advanced research by integrating AI and big data technologies.

產學合作推動 | Academia-Industry Collaboration

Establishing flexible collaboration mechanisms, the center designs customized research projects to promote technology transfer and commercialization, enhancing the industry's value chain.

專業人才培育 | Professional Talent Development

Offering specialized courses and practical training programs, the center nurtures technical experts with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

國際學術交流 | International Academic Exchange

Participating in international conferences and fostering global partnerships, the center aims to enhance Taiwan's influence in advanced packaging technology.


Organizational Structure

中心人員簡介|Center Staff Overview

中心主任:蘇炎坤 名譽講座教授|Yan-Kuin Su

國際公認的半導體與光電權威,專長於先進封裝、化合物半導體、Micro LED等領域,具豐富學術與產業經驗。

中心副主任:羅裕龍 教授 |Yu-Lung Lo


中心副主任:水野潤 教授 |Jun Mizuno


中心執行長:莊婉君 教授|Wan-Chun Chuang



Research Group Overview and Key Members

技術研究群 | Research Groups

  • 先進材料研究組 | Advanced Materials Research Group
  • 本研究組聚焦於新型材料於先進封裝中的應用,涵蓋高效能封裝材料的開發、熱傳導性能改良及機械穩定性分析。研究成果將應用於提升封裝技術的可靠度與性能。
    This group focuses on the application of novel materials in advanced packaging, including the development of high-performance materials, thermal conductivity enhancement, and mechanical stability analysis. The research aims to improve the reliability and performance of packaging technologies.

  • 劉禹辰 教授 (組長):材料微結構設計、機器學習應用於材料科學。
  • 林世剛 教授:電子構裝技術、鋰離子電池材料設計。
  • 游聲盛 教授:高分子材料與綠色化學應用。

  • 可靠度分析研究組 | Reliability Analysis Research Group

    This group investigates the lifespan and reliability of packaging components under various environmental conditions, including thermal cycling and mechanical impact testing. Through experiments and numerical simulations, it develops reliability prediction models and performs design optimization.

  • 許文東 教授 (組長):奈米材料與分子動力學模擬。
  • 莊婉君 教授:多物理耦合系統分析與封裝技術。
  • 屈子正 教授:電子元件可靠度分析與破壞力學。
  • 許舒涵 教授:半導體可靠度與機器學習應用。
    • 先進製造技術研究組 | Advanced Manufacturing Technology Research Group


      This group focuses on innovative packaging processes, including high-density interconnect technology, micro-component packaging, and efficient production processes. By introducing new technologies, it enhances packaging efficiency and product quality.

  • 洪嘉宏 教授 (組長):雷射金屬積層製造與自動化技術。
    • 異質接合技術研究組 | Heterogeneous Integration Technology Research Group

      本研究組專注於異質材料接合技術,涵蓋2.5D/3D IC封裝、晶片堆疊技術及異質材料接合技術,為未來高效能運算與人工智慧應用提供解決方案。
      This group specializes in heterogeneous material integration technologies, including 2.5D/3D IC packaging, chip stacking, and heterogeneous bonding techniques. It provides solutions for high-performance computing and AI applications.

  • 水野潤 教授 (組長):3D IC封裝與微奈米製造技術。
    • AI於先進封裝應用研究組 | AI in Advanced Packaging Applications Research Group

      This group integrates AI and machine learning technologies to develop design and optimization models for advanced packaging. Using AI, it accelerates design processes and enhances the reliability and performance of packaging structures.

  • 游濟華 教授 (組長):人工智慧應用於材料設計與模擬。